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Add yourself from the "Explore" section of newspapers, magazines, press articles that you like the most.With this application you will have all the information you want without the need to navigate through each of the websites of each newspaper.Spanish newspapers:- The country- The world- ABC- Daily 20 Minutes- The vanguard- The reason- Digital Freedom- The Spanish- The Economist- The Independent- Europa Press- The Digital Confidential- Tele Press- The voice of Galicia- Information- Ok Diary- The newspaper- Expansion- Huffington Post- Public- Five days- Ara- Diari de Terrassa- Regio7- Tarragona newspaper- Daily Month- The PuntaVui- Girona newspaper- Segre- La Manyana- The Galician Ideal- The Coruña Opinion- The Galician Post- Ferrols Diary- Vigo lighthouse- Atlantic- Diary of Arousa- Progress- The region- Seville Diary- ABC of Seville- Andalucia Information- The Web Mail- South newspaper- The Opinion of Malaga- Malaga Today- Daily of Cadiz- The Digital Voice- Jerez newspaper- Southern Europe- Daily group Area- Ideal- Granada Today- Córdoba newspaper- The day of Córdoba- The Voice of Almería- Almería newspaper- Jaen Journal- Huelva information- The Tribune of Toledo- Digital Spear- The Tribune of Ciudad Real- The Tribune of Albacete- The Ceuta Lighthouse- The Town of Ceuta- Melilla Today- The Melilla Lighthouse- The Rioja- Herald- Diario del Alto Aragón- Diary of Teruel- Montañés newspaper- The province- Canary Islands 7- The day- Notices Diary- The opinion- Today- The Chronicle of Badajoz- The Extremadura Newspaper- The Opinion of Murcia- The truth- Basque newspaper- The mail- News from Álava- Trade- Diary of León- The North of Castile- The Salamanca Gazette- Zamoras opinion- The Adelantado- Diary of Navarra- Raise-emv- The Provinces- Daily Information- The Mediterranean NewspaperSports:- Brand- Sport- Sports world- Les Portiu de Catalunya- DXT Champion- Sports stadium- Super Sport- ASJournals:- Readings- Ten minutes- Week- Horoscope- HELLO!- AR magazine- Investment strategies- Byte Magazine- Highway- The Free Android- Very interesting- Canarias Gourmet- Kitchen Magazine- Im like like- Harpers Bazaar- Nautical and Yachting- Engine16- EARLY- E Online- Vogue- Rolling Stone- People- Glamor- Amphibian- Network Users- PC World- Mega Cars- NCYT- Emol- ThursdayInternational newspapers:- NY Times- Bloomberg- MarketWatch- The Economist- The Washington Post- The Boston Globe- The Wall Street Journal- Financial Times- The New Yorker- The Times- BBC- The Telegraph- The Guardian- Time- Welt- Business Insider- The Daily Mail- USA Today- The country